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Finex Grill Pans


For flawless cast iron grilling outcomes every time, whether inside and outdoors, the Finex collection of grill pans is superior to all!  Any heat source from your stove, oven, or even hot coals from the campfire will provide you with true, deepened, and enriched flavours. The grill spines give you the greatest crisscross grill scores like the steaks, chops and salmon found at all those fancy restaurants. The reverse seared steak technique works great with a SousVide and a Finex Grill Pan!

Let’s look closer at those grill spines, or ribs as some refer to them. At ¼” tall, the spines provide significant sear marks whilst establishing some breathing space for additional grease and fats to stay away from your filet mignon! This makes certain that you’re grilling, not boiling, or frying your food. The spacing of 5/8” apart permits for simpler scrubbing, and sufficient heat in between your protein or veggies to bring genuine grilling flavour. Nothing looks better than grill lines! 

 Finex Grill Pans are made of hand-honed stainless steel that go under an hour long seasoning procedure that entails organic flaxseed oil instead of palm oil and ammonia. The sizeable, steel-wrapped grips remain cold for simpler holding. The Finex Grill Pan has sharp edges for pouring. The dense underside improves grilling results, with no inadvertent fires like cheap cast iron can create…

Our 3 Favorite Finex Grill Pans!


Finex - 10" Cast Iron Grill Pan: This timeless classic is screaming to sear a steak for tonight’s dinner! Take this Finex Grill Pan camping too!


Finex - 12" Cast Iron Grill Pan: If you need something to accommodate a family of four, inside or out, this is the grill pan for you!


Finex - 15.5" x 9" Lean Grill Pan: Many of us here at WFE leave this grill pan in our camping gear. Just smooth out some coals, and start cooking with this incredible product from Finex!

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