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Mixing Bowls


Mixing bowls are one of the utilities and workhorses in the kitchen that we often don’t think about as an absolute necessary in the top 10 kitchen utilities.  Mixing bowls paly a role in every meal and culinary art in the world.  From whipping up some pancake batter to mixing your artichoke spinach dip ingredients prior to baking, all the way to your favourite cookies.  Sometimes you even use your mixing bowls as your in-kitchen shopping baskets when you load them up with ingredients from your fridge to take to your kitchen island to start concocting. Mixing bowls certainly have earned a top spot in your kitchen for utility.


Williams Food Equipment has the largest selection of mixing bowls in all of Canada. With the top name brands, knowledge of professional cooking needs, and restaurant-grade mixing bowls available, you’ll be sure to get the best deal on the best mixing bowls at Williams Food Equipment.


Mixing bowls come in glass, stainless steel, ceramic, melamine, and silicone. If you’re just getting started, you’ll probably want to get stainless steel set of bowls that give you different size options. Stainless steel is easy to clean, easy to transport, and affordable.  Stainless steel mixing bowls also are durable with acidic ingredients whereas more porous mixing bowls from ceramic may absorb the flavour, which you do not want in future mixing recipes.  Just picture your chocolate cake getting contaminated with your previous lemon dressing you mixed in this mixing bowl.


The All-clad set of 3 stainless steel mixing bowls is an excellent set to get you mixing ingredients in the kitchen.  This set includes a 1.5-quart stainless steel mixing bowl, a 3-quart stainless steel mixing bowl, and a quart stainless steel mixing bowl.  This set includes a lifetime warranty from All-Clad.


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